Tacho and Igniter male terminal pins


GSX250S Rider
Hi Guys
Recreating a complete harness from scratch
I have 1982 Kat 1100 I have the new harness completed except for the male tacho plug terminals and also the same for the igniter plug.
I bought the large terminal kit through the club which has been great, and tracked some other items from a uk site
Has any one, who has built a harness before me been able to track down a supplier. I've tried Suzuki and local auto electrical suppliers but so far no luck.
Cheers Pauly
Hey Pete,
Thanks for the info,I will jump on and have a look.
Nice to see the little beastie getting some updates.
What did you do when you did your harness for the kat Tacho?
Hey Pete
Broke my ankle the other day so I have heaps of time to search.
Found a manufacturer in china who makes the exact terminal. I have sent an email to see If I can buy 100 of them as this is their min order. So here's hoping.
www.starconnect.com.ch d65 in their catalog. They have a huge range if anyone is in need of something special.
Bugger Paul, that wasn't a good idea! Or was it intentional to get out of the Christmas chores? :D Hope you heal up soon!

Good find on that site, they certainly have a good range!

As for the tacho on the Kat, it's integral in the Acewell digital gauge, so the connector kit from Eric did the trick, and the RPM signal is driven off one of the coils.
The site does have a good range.
I haven't had a response from them yet , but its Xmas so heres hoping.
I was starting to back through your build and noticed some of the early pics have gone to a storage file ,but I couldn't open them.
Your bike looks great. A lot of work.
I've started to work on the Kat again polished up the front forks but didn't like the look so I used a green scouring pad and it has given it a nice clean uniformed look which is closer to the original finish.
Im going to have to get the tubes resurfaced or find some new ones as they have rust pits on them.
I will let you know if I get a response from china
Good lucky with it Paul, could be they need to get the email interpreted also :D

My early pics would've been on Photobucket which I got rid of when they sent out the ransom pay $US400 or have your photos deleted, so not surprised the thread is a bit broken early on. If there's any in particular you need let me know, they'll either be on Flickr already or I can put them there. Very happy with the end result of my Kat, she's fun to ride!

I got a quote from Rad hard chroming for my forks, $380 for the pair and about 3 weeks wait as they're quite busy, a little extra if they need straightening. On Webike they have set of OHNO Speed fork tubes for roughly $450 including shipping.
Thanks for the info
I was on RADS site before but wasn't sure of quality and how long the finish would last.
but at the end of day that way they will still be the original tubes.
33110-45410 - STATOR, SIGNAL GENERATOR ASSY I have noticed the magnet on one side has badly cracked. Will this disrupt its performance? $380.00 from Mick H
Theoretically broken magnet is less efficient , but if its still in there solid and not crumbling to pieces it will still do a turn.
(you still have 2 good magnets)

Cheers John
Thanks John
The magnet has split in three and is starting to shift slightly.
I may have to add it to my list and keep saving.
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