SOO Weekends


Staff member
Did you realise origin weekend just gone was its ten year anniversary?

My Origin Fails...
2013 - Armidale, Purple rain, no real problems..
2014 - Sidecar blew up on way to Nambucca , Val drove on Saturday
2015 - Black popup had no charge-ing issue before Casino in rain, Russ trailer, back in Vals car
2016 - Rode popup down on Friday, met val there, first 3 day-er for me.
2017 - Trailer-ed my popup, shared ride, with a South African visitor. Muffler fell off
2018 - There and back with empty trailer
2019 - Rode Real 750 Katana there and back = success!
2020 - not on covid
2021 - no go covid
2022 - Rode real 750 Katana there and back, much rain both ways
2023 - Rode real Katana there and back ex Narrabri, weather great

5/10 = 50% = fail

Your Origin blog?
Ah I remember us having that discussion and we couldn't figure out if it was the tenth or not. Awesome! I would have been able to go in 2021 actually, so I guess that gives me 66% with 2022 and 2023.
My Origin Fails...
2013 - Armidale, Purple rain, no real problems.

Was the above statement issued by an official Exxon Valdez liaison officer cos it certainly wasn't Greta Thunberg.......
I am up to two.
2022 Rode to Nambucca viae Walcha in the pouring rain. Did a sneeky ride Saturday arvo and got a flat tyre out of Coffs. Came 1/2 way home in a trailer (thanks Soxy) and the other half in the ute!
2023 Via Walcha in good weather but had to push start at Telegraph Point at lunch time. Stator or regulator (still not sure) so made the photo shoot but not the ride! Came home in the ute (thanks to the wife).
100% fail!
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