Hi all
I did get to see Nick today, but unfortunately the news is not great.
He was moved today to the Brain Unit which is a seperate building at the rear of the main building. He had only been moved there today and I had just missed his mother. The staff actually asked if I could help with some basic info as they had only just received him.
Initially he was calling me Phil, was disorientated and not exactly sure what was happening. He then did recognise me, but 15 mins later called me PHIL again. He had a bad knock to the head, 4 cracked ribs and collar bone as I understand.
I spent about an hour with him but he was asleep most of the time and did not recall what had happened.
Went to see and check on his mum as she is not able to move around a lot and has trouble with some household tasks. Thankfully she has a couple of friends who have been driving her to Hospital and helping where possible.
At present, the details are sketchy as Nick's mum is a little hard to understand, but appears the accident happened at Eastern Creek back on the 7th Jan and that he may have been hit from behind on a corner ( or the approach to one ). Sadly Nick's mum says she was worried when he hadn't been home as expected and she saw the footage on the news before she got the call.
She did feel that he has been getting better every time she sees him, but it might be awhile before he gets released.
Please note, the above is all I've been able to piece together from Hospital staff and Nick's mum. I'll be heading out there on Fiday morning again to see how he is going and will convey all your best wishes.
I'll keep all updated as I know more,