N.S.W. Katana Run Bathurst 15th & 16th November

Nick Kakasiouris

GSX250S Rider
Hi Frankie, At this stage i will be on the ride to Bathurst on Saturday 15th and will have Steve from Old Gold riding one of my Kat's and my work roster is not on my side so Steve and I will return home on the Saturday afternoon.
It's time for me and Nige to organise the NSW Katana Meet. Friends and family are welcome. As usual if you cannot get your Kat out, ride your other bike, drive, cycle, walk, crawl......just turn up and have a good time.

Plan ride:

11am: Meet at Panorama Bathurst Motel (same as last year)
11.30am: Fill up tank and head to Hill End for lunch
12.30pm: Arrival Hill End

Date: 15th November 2014
Place: Bathurst, NSW
Panorama Bathurst
51 Durham Street
Bathurst NSW 2795
Phone 02 6331 2666
Fax 02 6332 1439

Please arrange your own booking or arrange your share accommodation with other members.

Get your bike ready :rock


Frankie - fchan - BOOKED
Nige - nige68 - BOOKED
Glenn - Crumpy
Murf - Murf
Sam W- friend of Frankie -BOOKED
Biken - friend of Frankie - BOOKED
Rob Hogan -
Jim - Jimfire44
Max - f1504x4
Dave - topkat1100 - BOOKED
Tony - Kat485R
David - (Gilgandra)
Nick - NickKakasiouris
James - Soxy
Richard - GSX11
Pete - Waterbootle
Phil - Blihpo
Glen - renegade
Justin - SKatman - DAY TRIP
Peter - Gibbo - BOOKED
Roland -
Roland's friend -

Total: 22

You can refer to the original post by Frank Chan Here!
G'da Frankie,

due to a 60th birthday on the evening of the 15th, I will only be partaking in a day run to Bathurst, not sure if Lawman is coming with me or not. Looking forward to taking the Kat for a spin around the Mountain, I hope the track surface is up to it.

regards Jim
Hi Frankie, cannot make Saturday (baseball, I'm coach) but would like to meet Sunday at Panorama Bathurst Motel? It's 2 hours from my place so I do not have to get up the crack of dawn (gets a bit testy) to make it by 9-9.30am assuming you will all be sleeping in after a torrid Saturday in and out of the saddle. If the weather is shite I will not appear as age has mellowed my need to ride regardless of what mother nature is doing. If you are leaving earlier on Sunday dawn will be in for a rude awakening. Cheers, Phil.
Hey Frankie,
are we doing a lap or two around Mount Panorama before we head off to Hill End?

Jim that all depends if everyone can get there s...t together. She will be a fair whack of a day and we also have to consider time for the unfortunate day trippers.
We will post out a more comprehensive run as we get closer.

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