Motorcycle jeans

I'm looking at some riding jeans as my regular jeans are a bit thin and I know won't provide much protection.
I'm aware that Draggin jeans have a good name but at $250+ I'm a bit reluctant. I can get Dririder Classic 2.0 Kevlar for as low as $125.
Does anyone have any experience with Kevlar lined jeans that can offer me some advice?

I bought the jeans from the aldi special they have every year around August. I think they have kevlar in parts of them but there was another style with more kevlar in them I think. Someone else may be able to clarify this.They are comfy though. Pricing was between 70 to 90 approximately depending which style it is.
I wear my Draggin' cargoes to work every day (got a couple I rotate through) and my jeans on Fridays as well as when I'm riding. Nope they're not cheap, but they're extremely comfortable and just look like regular cargoes and jeans. I've also got a pair of their chinos for work but I haven't been able to wear them due to expansion... which should be fixed soon I hope :D
Last year The aldi jeans came in two versions CE rated with knee pads, or without rating and pads. there was only $10 between the two.

I have a new spare pair waist size 40 (102) would sell $50 if anyone wants, and some shark leather pants same size with impossibly long legs.
(I really doubt they would fit the boogieman, AKA gigantor)

BTW You do know the the sliding along the road to a gracefull stop uninjured after a accident is a myth, right?
I have four Draggin jeans and find them comfortable to wear and they do cost some coin. On a hot day they do get uncomfortable when wearing on a hot day but when riding they are ok. I knew my size and ordered my jeans via the web site in Melbourne and delivery was no issue.
(I really doubt they would fit the boogieman, AKA gigantor)


BTW You do know the the sliding along the road to a gracefull stop uninjured after a accident is a myth, right?

I have no illusions of graceful John. I'm sure the day I go down the road I'll break a few more myths when I knee myself in the back of the same knee and my tongue will touch my elbow.
It'll be all manner of wrong.
I just want to give myself a fighting chance.
There are a few versions out there. I have a set of DRAYCO's from MCAS ? from memory. I dont think I paid over $200 but. They are much more expensive than regular denim but for a reason. Comfy and a good cut but as said above on the warm side in summer but cooler than cow hide. I like em. They will last for years if you stay sunny side up.

I too have Draggon's and love them. I don't do well with heat but will stand around all day at a big show no issue.

Actually also like riding in winter as they are a bit warmer on the legs than std jeans.

Made a promise to myself would not comprimise on safety this time around as always wore cheap, thin, std clothing in younger years.

Seriously, is $250 over a 4 year period that expensive when you consider what they offer?
Just keep an eye out for sales
I bought the Dririder option. I'm happy to give them a try considering the price. Later on when I have some spare folding I'll look at Draggin' but no one had them in my size anyway. The Dririder seem longer too.

I bought the Dririder option. I'm happy to give them a try considering the price. Later on when I have some spare folding I'll look at Draggin' but no one had them in my size anyway. The Dririder seem longer too.


Now your just boasting Ben!
I got KEVLAR protection brought these Starider soft lined kevlar jeans made of denim second hand ,not used, off Ebay $80 they're comfortable and being fully lined are great even on a cold
day will long johns .
also got a pair of force riders $80 new again through ebay , but only lined in the knees and bum ,
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