Look what turned up

honda z50 002.jpghonda z50 005.jpghonda z50 006.jpg Turned up at work Genuine 769 Ks Honda Z 50 been in a shed since the dawn of time. Cheers Murf. One went for 48K a while ago still in the box on Ebay
...MONKEY bikes and their variants are SO collectable $$$$...Sue and I were on a charity ride waiting to start when four monkey bikes in formation came flying around the corner. They made a bigger impression than anything else ALL DAY.
That's so cool.

The minibike reminds me of embarrassing myself years ago while showing off in front of my mates on an RV90 (not really a monkey bike but it is a Suzuki, Tomcat). For some reason I decided to use the base of backyard hedge as a berm and bounce/turn off it motocross style.... the fat-wheeled bike didn't respond as I had hoped and the RV ended up wedged in the hedge, and I ended up eating grass and being mocked mercilessly for quite some time
One of my neighbours is always buying, fixing and flipping these bikes. I loved to get one for myself but they're not cheap. Around here, a good one will cost upwards of 1500-2k. :ugeek:
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