Katana with LT Tyres

...Wouldn't it only be ridden gingerly down to the local biker friendly coffee shop and parked next to your alfresco table on the footpath so you could show off and generally act the fool and tell every one who would listen how much effort you put into the build......(if any):eek:
...Wouldn't it only be ridden gingerly down to the local biker friendly coffee shop and parked next to your alfresco table on the footpath so you could show off and generally act the fool and tell every one who would listen how much effort you put into the build......(if any):eek:

Maybe if I rode that to Pitstop, the boys would be more understanding when I order my latte.
IF you could make it out to Boonah to "Flavours Café" you could order a "Bikers Mug" which would surely be more appropriate! It is that BIG Sue doesn't want one next time!
.Sue says ooh it's too big!
...Wouldn't it only be ridden gingerly down to the local biker friendly coffee shop and parked next to your alfresco table on the footpath so you could show off and generally act the fool and tell every one who would listen how much effort you put into the build......(if any):eek:

That's what I do with my Kat:p
that is only a sketch, google, icon holograghic hammer and there lots on this ,I have it on my phone screen saver,ye nice little 1/4 miler ay.So google new jack katana ,this is the real dealIMG_4843.jpgIMG_1095.jpg
ah the skills to build what the imagination can see I love both of them shows what an icon the original design is that both are still recognisable as kat based builds even if ground up brand new
ah the skills to build what the imagination can see I love both of them shows what an icon the original design is that both are still recognisable as kat based builds even if ground up brand new

There are some very talented and skilled bike enthusiasts doing some amazing work
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