I just dont want people to become wanna be highway patrol. As much as I would like to pull over and fine people for using there phones and such crap. Generally good drivers that have a bit of a brain fade will start getting nicked because of some do gooda. No thanks.
I don't make the videos for the police, I have a front and rear dash cam incase of the worst case scenario and I need evidence. These video are just to show there are so many stupid people out there. It's all part of the daily commute, with drivers texting, reading the paper, eating breakfast, it's seems anything but the task at hand, driving.
If I downloaded all the videos, you would see how many red-light runners we have up here, and R/H lane hogs, (who get pissed off when you pass them on the left as they are under the posted speed limit.) I had a funny one to down load, but due to no audio it wasn't as funny. I filtered to the front (Wet Day) the BMW 130 on my right decided to run me at the lights, all I could hear as I moved off the line was his wheels spinning with no forward movement haha.
The amount of accidents I see on the commute would amaze you, (The Bruce has at least one a week on my commute) thankfully lane filtering is legal or I would be sitting on the side of the road like the rest for hours. The last accident, I had drivers moving aside to let me pass, it was like watching the sea part for Moses, up until the Black Jeep who tried to block me, luckily the driver in the other lane saw it too and moved over more to let me pass, so not all cagers are bad.
Passing Aussie World is getting more challenging each week as traffic banks up on the L/H side leading up to the Off Ramp, the last time both lanes were almost at a stand still, so I lane filtered to the front only to find the reason for the R/H was being held up by someone doing under 30 in the R/H lane, at first I thought he was trying to que jump, but no he continued on doing 30 in the R/H lane after we passed the off ramp.
As for footage being used by the police, a staff member at my wife work received a knock on her door one evening from two police officers to issue her with a ticket for texting while stopped at a set of lights, she disputed it, so they showed her the footage, taken by a motorcyclist who handed it in.
So with all the Dash Cam footage being thrown about these days, take extra care out there. As the title says "I see stupid People Everyday"