Carbs... Damn Things!


GSX1000S Rider
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Since I replaced the head gasket on the wee beastie she's been a bit of a dog at the 1/8 - 1/4 throttle so I finally got around to having a look the other day and she's been quite lean at that point. I've already got the needle on the lowest notch so as rich as she will go, and a quick conversation with Tom at confirmed these carb's are OEM'd so he can't help me with a richer needle.

I decided to see if I could do something dodgy to lift the needles a bit more yesterday and did so by replacing the spacer on top with a couple of my shims, but the bad news is I also found two very small tears in each diaphragm. I haven't noticed any specific symptoms from this that I'm aware of but I suspect it's contributing to my issues at the low throttle openings as it's a bit rough/hesitant until I crack the throttle. It's running lean, not rich though so I think I've been a bit lucky so far.

Anyway, I'm trying to decide the best course of action given I can still ride her now but it will only be a matter of time until those tears get worse and put me off the road.

JBM Industries have replacement diaphragms... $US19.50 each plus $US27 shipping.

Tom at told me he could set me up with VM32's with suitable jets for about $430 posted to me, or VM33's (wheelstand at strange places he says) for well over $500.

Later GS500 carbs will slot straight in but I don't know if they will take my K&N pods.

If I'm going to replace the carbs an upgrade would be the best bet naturally but the price of new carbs is a bit off putting at present and will seriously limit the already limited Katana fund...

So... any other thoughts/suggestions out there? At this point I think the replacement diaphragms are the sensible way forward unless I find a pair of GS500 carbs dirt cheap.

I have in the junk pile a popup set (BM32) youre welcome to them if you want. with a solid tinkerin you should be able to make 2 good ones from the 4...
Also wondering if the slides just dont fit yours>>

Cheers John
Hmmm that could be a go John! Should BM32 be VM32?
Ah! Mine are BS34SS... so 32's would be a bit of a downgrade would they? Bugger if so...
Pete, the diaphragms may be the same as the stock kat ones, the slides most likely will not be the same (cutaway), if the diaphragms separate from the slides and are the same, I have a set of stock kat carbies that I'll most likely never use again, you'd be welcome to try.
Hmmmmm actually Reg, what are the stock carbies? I wonder if there's a chance of them fitting? That could be another option to potentially ruining both pairs by screwing up a diaphragm swap! Depends on vacuum port, fuel inlet, throttle linkage etc. but worth a look I would think...
Welcome to look Pete but time is of the essence.... I'm working all public holidays and in between all them, I'll be at Perigian Beach, however, all is not lost..... hopefully I'll have finished work on Christmas day at 10am (I've not told Robyn yet as it may go belly up because Prince Charles wants a full linen service that day) and I *should* be home at latest 11am, I'll be cooking a nice piece of belly pork for just the two of us fo dinner.... which means that if you can manage to duck over to my place sometime in the early afternoon, you can look and check it out as much as you want.
No stress Reg, this is probably going to end up being a New Year thing the way things are looking... I'm working between the public holidays and on call over New Year's so time to get up and see you will be scarce indeed!

She's still running and given they've obviously been torn for a little while at least then I don't think she'll suddenly let go and leave me stranded in the next week or two... at least I hope not!
Definitely a new year thing Reg! I'm on call next Saturday (3rd) but if you're going to be around that weekend I can probably organise some time to get up there.

I also found what appear to be affordable VM32 and VM34 carb's on eBay... I say appear because I have NFI what jetting I'd need to put in there or how I'd need to deal with throttle, choke, and fuel etc. I really need to measure the filter and engine side of my carbs because I can't remember the diameters now... a pair of either of these would be about half what I can get them for here...
Thanks Tim, do you know what model they are? At the moment I'm leaning towards just forking out for the diaphragms from JBM once I measure things properly... even though some VM32's or 34's would be nice...
They are 34mm ID on the intake manifold side, I am pretty sure they are of an 850G. If i get a chance this arvo i will check the slides out for you.
$19.50 is a bargain as I've seen them for a hundred plus each ,check the postage is not another $400.
Tim: Thanks mate that'd be great.

Thomas: That's 2 minutes from me but not sure on the $150... hmmmm... but might be worth a call/visit. Didn't even look at Gumtree! Thanks for the heads up :D

Patrick: Yeah I'm still leaning that way, shipping is $US27 apparently so it's not too bad. I think tomorrow morning I'll be measuring the carbs up.
Hey I'm looking forward to giving my carbs a birthday soon now I have the kits with a extra set of back up O'rings and bowl gaskets aswell , still waiting for the big 157 jets and bolting them back together with stainless cap head bolts with pods ,still need to find weather proof covers.for the pods .good luck with the diaphrams ,can't believe they're so cheap.
Cheers Tim, I'm gonna take the covers off today and measure them up... see how things look.

Patrick, I haven't needed weather proof covers on the pods and I've been in some serious rain! The only thing it ever did once was run a bit rich but that was after being in heavy rain all day long...
Ok I managed to get some motivation yesterday and measured the diaphragm groove up and it matches what they have for these carbs on the JBM site, so I bit the bullet and ordered a pair. $US66 for two including shipping so it's not too bad except for the exchange rate!

So far, very quick service and they're shipped already...

And I noticed two more tiny tears in the left diaphragm while I had it out as well... and that's after being ultra careful with it...
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