ANDF Label

I think that 51149-44130 LABEL is a part that is listed in the parts list but is not equipped in the production model, except for the prototype and 750(JDM). Is it incorrect? You can order the 51149-44130 LABEL as a genuine part, but the label you get now is for the RG Gamma (250), not for the Katana. If you are interested in this label, you can buy a reproduction of an external product as for the original Katana. It seems that there are quite a few people who are interested in this label, so I posted.

Hello Takahiro San, I am able to confirm that the E24 SZ,SD Australian 750 and 1100 Katana were not supplied with the ANDF decal on the fork leg, or anywhere else.

Hello Takahiro San, I am able to confirm that the E24 SZ,SD Australian 750 and 1100 Katana were not supplied with the ANDF decal on the fork leg, or anywhere else.


Thank you for your reply, 真剣 San. I presume that this decal couldn't be attached because Suzuki couldn't prepare the required quantity at the time until delivery of SZ. This decal was excluded from the parts list of SD.
Thank you for your reply, 真剣 San. I presume that this decal couldn't be attached because Suzuki couldn't prepare the required quantity at the time until delivery of SZ. This decal was excluded from the parts list of SD.

Hello Takahiro San,

I have seen the ANDF decal on other Katana from other countries but so far have not discovered the reason why the E24 SZ and SD Katana were not supplied with the ANDF decal. Perhaps your thoughts are correct and the decal was not available at the time. I wonder if the Kiwi Katana had the decal?

Ya there Darryl?
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