Almost back on the road

Hi All,

After 7 months since the accident and 3 months since taking ownership of the Japanese import, the import is just about done. Getting a RWC tomorrow (hopefully), then a VASS as its an import and needs inspection, then with Vicroads for their inspection and registration. All in time for the Island Classic in a few weeks.

All rusty parts have been cleaned, straightened and painted as has the main colour of course. This is the 13L colour but with a heavy metallic flake. Seat redone by Gavin in QLD (in fact I did both seats as the Blue shark skin is end of life). Pete loaned my some handlebars as mine haven't arrived from Japan yet. Fitted the original 4 into 2 after hours of cleaning rust of it and polish. This was supposed to go onto the other bike the day before the accident; thankfully it didn't... Many, many, many other parts repaired, replaced... Looks pretty nice. I'm happy.

Also another small milestone for those that remember my accident. Today was the first day I've been back on the bike since the horrific head on. All good I'm pleased to report.

So below are some photos of the bike when I received it and what it looks like today. I know the shark fins are missing because Mick Hone had a stock error and only had one in stock instead of the both of them. I should receive the remainder this week....


Looking really, REALLY good Bill.
Am very fond of the 4-2 pipe look.

Hoping to meet up at the 35th, but you may want to re-thing them front dics :-D.
That's awesome Phil, just awesome! So glad to hear you're back in action and will very soon have your Kat on the road again, great news!!
Thanks for the comments guys; greatly appreciated.

Original plan was to have it ready for the 35th, but then I pushed everything along to try and get it ready for the Phillip Island Classic. In such the rush, the disks are arse about. I did notice that late yesterday but by then it was too late. Pete had already taken his centre stand back. Again I have one coming from Japan so it will have to wait until that arrives.

Minor hiccup this morning with the RWC. I haven't fitted the seat strap and it needs to be on otherwise not roadworthy... So I quickly went home, grabbed the strap, went back and fitted it. He was happy'ish.

I originally didn't fit it because I think the ends of the strap need to go behind the shocker, not in front. Is that correct? I say this because when I fitted it in front of the shocker, there was a fair bit of slack between the press stud and the end on the shocker mount.

Inspector OK with the front discs, but picked up on the seat strap?:D

As for position, am pretty sure it goes to the 'outside' of the rear shock after the spacer washers. Think you'll struggle to to get it to reach to the inside, and still be able to remove the seat with the strap still in place. Remeber there technically should be some slack when removed from the press studs so that the pillion can get a hand under it "rodeo style".

On a side note, I use a trolley jack with a folded cloth under the right side of the frame under the engine and allow it to lean over onto the side stand more and the front wheel comes off of the ground. Technically, that was a 'side note';)
Inspector OK with the front discs, but picked up on the seat strap?:D

As for position, am pretty sure it goes to the 'outside' of the rear shock after the spacer washers. Think you'll struggle to to get it to reach to the inside, and still be able to remove the seat with the strap still in place. Remeber there technically should be some slack when removed from the press studs so that the pillion can get a hand under it "rodeo style".

On a side note, I use a trolley jack with a folded cloth under the right side of the frame under the engine and allow it to lean over onto the side stand more and the front wheel comes off of the ground. Technically, that was a 'side note';)

Thanks for the tips Stuart, and I am on your "side" about the trolley jack.

BTW, it passed roadworthy first go...

Wow Phil, you have done an amazing amount of quality work to the Kat, well done and congratulations! Don't worry about Derek and his disc fetish. As for the strap, it mounts to the outside of the shock eye ex-factory. Thanks for the update and great photos.

Thanks again guys and for the advice of the strap Glen. It's on there now and will stay.

New discs are ordered so I will get it right next time...

VASS has been approved this morning... So that's step 2 out of 3. One more and that's the buerocratic nonsense of VicRoads for an inspection and registration.
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